Welcome to Posture Matters, where we will share with you how posture really does matter, for a number of reasons......
Pain -improved posture can help decrease or manage existing pain, and prevent pain in the first place
Perception - good posture makes you look better, yes it really is that simple!
Performance - posture is not only about standing or sitting well - it underpins how we move. Not moving well often leads to pain. And so begins the vicious circle....
Our lack of awareness of how our body should be aligned, and therefore how it should move, has resulted in us abandoning the wonderful posture we have as babies & toddlers. We start well but, through knowing no better, we develop positions and movement patterns that can eventually lead to pain. Ignorance has thus far been our defence - and understandably so. But no more! The goal of Posture Matters is to combat this lack of awareness, by helping people identify and appreciate their own and their ideal posture, thereby understanding how they can be either the masters of their own downfall or change things for the better.
Contact us on 086 0563551, or by email fiona@posturematters.ie or siobhan@posturematters.ie to help us show you further that Posture Matters!